
Module Definition

This module performs CPS transformation of definitions; it is similar to the transformation proposed in "Compiling with continuations, continued" by A. Kennedy.

CPS transformation names all intermediary results, and fixes the order of evaluation; so it is in this module that we define that arguments to functions are evaluated from left to right, that a function is evaluated before its arguments, how pattern matching is compiled...

module Build = Cpsbase.Build

module Ast = Ast.Def

module AstVarMap = Ast.Variable.Map

let expression = Expression.Expression.transform

Transform an expression (typically the expr in Ast.Def(x,expr) or Ast.Nodef(expr)) to a CPS definition
Transform a definition. Returns a list of cps definitions, and the new environment.
let transform env def =
   let halt_ctx = (fun x → Build.halt x) in
   match def with

   Definitions whose result is not used.
   ∣ Ast.Definition.Expression(exp) 
   ∣ Ast.Definition.Value([Ast.Pattern.Wildcard, exp]) →
                           Cpsbase.Dynamic_value (expression exp env halt_ctx))],

   Non-recursive definitions.
   ∣ Ast.Definition.Value([Ast.Pattern.Variable var,exp]) →
     let e = expression exp env halt_ctx in
     let definition = Build.with_var_in_def (fun v →
       Cpsbase.Definition(Cpsbase.Public v, Cpsbase.Dynamic_value e)) in
     let Cpsbase.Definition(Cpsbase.Public v,_) = definition in
     ([definition], AstVarMap.add var (Cpsbase.Var.Occur.maker v) env)

   ∣ Ast.Definition.Value(_) → 
     failwith "Definitions with general patterns are not yet supported"

   Definitions are not directly recursive; i.e. def id = ...id... is transformed into def id = {let id = ... id ...; id}. This is because LLVM output is (currently) not able to deal with recursive definitions with dynamic values, because of the additional indirection.
   ∣ Ast.Definition.Value_rec([var,exp]) →
     let def = Build.with_var_in_def (fun defv →
       let e = Build.with_var_in_expression (fun v →
         let rec_v = Cpsbase.Var.Occur.rec_maker v in
         let rec_map = AstVarMap.add var rec_v env in
         expression ~v exp rec_map (fun v →
           halt_ctx v)) in
       Cpsbase.Definition(Cpsbase.Public defv, Cpsbase.Dynamic_value e)) in
     let Cpsbase.Definition(Cpsbase.Public defv,_) = def in 
     ([def], AstVarMap.add var (Cpsbase.Var.Occur.maker defv) env)

   ∣ Ast.Definition.Type_name (_,_,_) → ([ ],env)


- We can extend Halt to handle several variables, with a construct like Halt of def_vars × expr_vars. This would be useful for both Value_rec with several variables, and for more general patterns (that can bind several variables at once).

- (Maybe). We could have a value function to build values, and only those would have the  v argument (or a list of  v).

- Allow mutual recursions, mainly for functions but also for objects, perhaps through forward declarations. This is related to making the allocations explicit, and to typing (to know the size of the allocations). A forward declaration corresponds to allocation of object, which can be separated from its initialization.

- Link each CPS variable to its corresponding subterm. This would allow to display proper error messages if there is an error after the CPS transformation, and could help put debugging information in the compiler. In addition, when the ADT is typed, type information should be transformed to CPS.